010 110 0227
Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00

Booking Form

Company Details

Course Details

Price: R4,499.00
Price: R0.00

Banking Details

ACCOUNT NUMBER: 62374589631
BANK: First National Bank – Centurion

Names of Delegates

Terms and Conditions


All fees and dates are current at the time of going to print; however, we reserve the right to change them.

Confirming a Booking:

Your reservation will only be confirmed once we receive your booking form and proof of payment.


Payment can be made by electronic transfer, and must be received prior to training dates. Please quote the reference number from your invoice so that payments can be tracked.

Payment must be received prior to attendance of the programme.

Cancellation and Substitutions:

  • All cancellations must be done in writing and emailed directly to The Mindspa Institute. Cancellations made no later than ten working days prior to the course/event will not incur any cancellation fee. Cancellation made between ten and three days prior to the course/event will incur a 25% cancellation fee. Any cancellation made within two working days prior to course/event dates will attract the full event/course fee. No refunds will be made once payment has been affected
  • Transfers & Postponements:

  • The transfer option only applies to delegates who are transferring to a different date for the same course. Transfers can only be made up to five (5) working days prior to the course date, after which point the registration is considered to be a cancellation. The option to transfer can only be used once within a period of three (3) months, after which non-attendance will be treated as a cancellation and all outstanding invoices will be due.