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5 Skills that will Jumpstart your New Recruit for 2020.

Every New Year births new talent to the job market. Even students who take on part-time jobs as they start studying need certain job skills to get and keep their jobs. Companies who invest in the skills development of new recruits not only develop new and fresh talent, but also build loyalty towards the company. Developing the skills of your newly appointed staff member will improve their performance and productivity. It will build their confidence and in turn enhance the company’s reputation as a reputable preferred employer. 

Companies doing this will invest in the future job market and build the economy in the long run. Jumpstart your newbie in the world of work by investing in developing the following essential soft skills:

  1. Critical Thinking. 

We only have to look at our young children to realise that we sometimes do and think too much for them. In the working world some managers or supervisors will also want to solve all problems or simply just do the work because they feel it will take too long to explain etc. Truth is that you learn when you solve problems or make mistakes. It is important that newbie recruits are given leeway on some occasions where they are allowed to make mistakes and learn from them. During this part, mentorship is very important. The mentor takes the newbie under their wing and transfers their own knowledge and skills. They guide them through problem solving and decision making. 

  1. Confidence.

Starting a new job can be intimidating, especially if you don’t know what to expect. Newbies need confidence builders. They need to feel welcome, need ‘cheerleaders’ and to be looked after. This will help them feel more relaxed and will build their confidence to put their entire weight behind their tasks and increase their productivity. There is, however, a fine line between confidence and ‘coolness’ or assertiveness and being too aggressive. It is important for a new recruit to understand the difference and to be taught tools and techniques in order to achieve the right type of confidence and assertiveness. 

  1. Effective Communication skills

This new world of work is a new ball game all together for them. This means that they don’t know how to communicate effectively in the workplace. They don’t understand the company culture and are not certain how the channels for communication work. Good communication is vital to encourage better understanding; helps resolve conflicts; increases trust and respect and get the creative ideas flowing. If they do encounter an issue, they need to know how to communicate it so that people will listen and will respond. This part includes written communication as well as presentation skills or public speaking. Newbies need to know the importance of body language and what it tells people about you.  Newbies need good communication and feedback from their supervisors. Thus, they should be taught to practice active listening in order to function optimally in their jobs. 

  1. Leadership Skills

Newbies need to learn to take responsibility for tasks and for their team as a whole. They need to be taught leadership skills like emotional intelligence, conflict resolution, problem-solving and decision-making. Good leaders are high in demand in any business and employers who see potential in young candidates should groom them for future possible vacancies or successions by investing in their skills development. 

  1. Teamwork and Adaptability 

When you are interviewing a newbie, you look for someone who will adapt well to the new changes and challenges he/she will face.  You look at certain traits that show that this new recruit will be able to function well in your team environment. Skills development will assist greatly and will make the transition easier.  It will also enhance healthy competition amongst team members and it will teach the new recruit that no one functions alone in the company. You all form part of a family.

Training and development are important to a new employee as part of their integration process. As with anything ‘new’, new personnel need the investment of time and energy to teach them what they need to know to function as productive employees within the workplace. With constant changes in the business environment, your company needs to grow and therefore your employees need to grow. Training and skills development partners are vital to the success of any business.