Pablo Picasso: Our goals can only be reached through a vehicle of a plan, in which we must fervently believe, and upon which we must vigorously act. There is no other route to success.
Goal setting is a powerful process for thinking about an ideal future, and for motivating people to turn the vision of this future into reality. It is critical to determine which tasks should be prioritised and where effort and energy should be focussed to deliver the desired results. Goals keeps a team motivated, increases morale, improves teamwork and help to measure success. It also enables the team to identify distractions, time-wasters and overcome barriers on the road to success.
Course Outline:
- What is Goal Setting?
- Why is Goal Setting Important?
- 3 Types of goals
- Key Principles of Goal Setting
- 8 Interesting Facts on Goal Setting
- Why we sometimes fail to achieve our goals
- An Explanation of How (and Why) Goal Setting Works
- Are there any Disadvantages?
- What Skills Does it Require?
- Different Areas Related to Goal Setting
- 3 Helpful Categories for Setting Healthy Goals
- An Outline for Personal Goal Setting
- 3 Descriptions of Goal Setting in Practice
- How Often Should we Review Goals?
- Are there any Golden Rules?
- How can we Best Achieve Goals We Have Set?
- Techniques for setting measurable goals:
- Use the SMART Technique
- The Paper Clip Strategy
- Measure Backward, not Forward
- How to stop Procrastinating by using the “Seinfeld Strategy”
- 7 Tips and Strategies
- A Take-Home Message
- References and further Reading