010 110 0227
Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00


Learnerships are structured learning programmes during which the learner spends some time learning theory and some time learning practical skills in the workplace. It leads to a qualification registered on the National Qualifications Framework.

Learnerships create an opportunity for companies to collaborate with training providers to customise learning programmes to meet specific workplace needs Learnerships improved skills and work performance because it is a tool for multi-skilling, as it develops the competence of employees in every component of the work processes of an occupation.

The benefits to employers are:

Achievement of Employment Equity Objectives

  • Progress in meeting Employment Equity targets, since previously disadvantaged employees have opportunities to improve their work-related competence and obtain qualifications
  • Your business can improve its competitiveness

Appropriately Trained Recruitment Pool of Potential Employees

  • Employers will be able to select employees from a wider pool of appropriately qualified workers who have developed skills that are relevant to the company’s specific work context.

Increased Return on Investment in Training

Please contact us for more information.

learnership opportunities