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No one saw this coming…not from a woman

New research by the company Korn Ferry Hay Group in Los Angeles showed that women are better in applying the various essential soft skills that they obtained for effective leadership to increase business performance. They determined that women outperform men in 11 of the 12 key emotional intelligence competencies.

Who would have thought women would be such an asset to the business world. Remember the time before a woman was allowed to work. The time when a woman’s place was seen as barefoot, pregnant and behind the stove, is long gone. Now almost all women are working while looking after a family. Whether they own businesses or are involved in non-profit organizations, women are uplifting the communities, changing the business world and are becoming more innovative and a true source to be reckoned with.

This study done in 2016 revealed that:

  • Women are more self-aware in terms of their emotional wellbeing
  • Women are more likely to be more consistently empathetic
  • Women have a more positive outlook, although a small margin, they do show slightly more consistency than men.
  • Women outperform men, according to this study, in coaching and mentoring, influencing others, managing conflict and they are more adaptable as well.
  • Women lead by inspirational leadership promoting teamwork and are achievement orientated.
  • However, women are on the same performance level than men, when it comes to emotional self-control.

This study was very interesting to read. Obviously women who score high in these competencies will get much further in their careers or in their businesses. Being emotionally intelligent and strong is a must if you want to climb that corporate ladder.

Everyone in your organization can learn from the emotionally strong women you have. Time and time again, you as the talent manager, human resources manager or department, CEO or MD, read and hear about the importance of emotionally intelligent people driving your organization towards success. The research has been done, whether it is on women or men or even women versus men. The truth of the matter is that no organization can do without an emotionally intelligent workforce.