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What South African Business Women want?

Like their male counterparts, women do want to grow and be successful in business. Women are no different from men in the workplace when it comes to their needs and wants in terms of climbing the corporate ladder. Business women also have ambitions and dreams and want the same as business men. Whether it is to run a new project or become the CEO, women in business have important attributes that they can bring to the strategic business table. 

How can companies invest in developing women to show that they matter and want them to succeed?

  • Start by introducing coaching and mentoring programmes specifically aimed at promoting women within the business.
  • Organize training to empower women with tools to become more successful in business. Give training to enhance valuable strategic skills like understanding finance, skills surrounding marketing and sales, leadership skills which include effective communications, negotiations, team alignment and management skills and how to deal with conflict at the work place. These are among the skills women strive to develop and retain. 

We need to get women to the point where they are unapologetic for being who they are. It is time to take ownership for our success. The Mindspa Institute presents the Essential Business Skills for South African Women Course as part of your women empowered initiatives. Be the company that promotes gender equality by taking the first step to develop your female staff by providing them with an interactive, open platform with our highly developed subject matter presented by The Mindspa Institute’s very own exceptionally experienced, motivational and empowering  facilitator Elmarie Pretorius.

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