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How to Create a Positive Work Culture Motivating Employees in an Age of Covid.

In an article by The Harvard Business School they “recently asked 600 CEOs: What is keeping you awake at night during this global pandemic? A major and multifaceted concern that emerged is how to keep employees motivated when their world is crashing around them. The circumstances of work have become more difficult.” Covid is causing devasting effects on our physical, mental, and emotional health. The virus is attacking and wiping out entire families. Companies are closing left right and centre, leaving a lot of people unemployed and scared of the future. The pandemic has shifted the way we operate in business. It changed the way people think, do, and manage. Almost everyone that can work remotely is doing so. With all these huge changes we had to deal with in the last year and a half, it is very natural for people to feel negative, afraid, unsure, stressed, and drained. 

That is why the need to manage and constantly develop a company’s culture intentionally into a positive one is especially critical now to keep staff motivated. Here are 3 pointers to help you.

3 Pointers to create a positive workplace culture to keep employees motivated:

1.     Communication and Transparency

In today’s business world there is a lot of scams, corruption, sudden business liquidations, and unethical behaviour. People have therefore become very sceptical in general. The slightest thing can make them feel uneasy when employers are not honest with them. But if you as the employer provide a transparent work culture and communicate effectively and efficiently with your employees, you immediately make them feel more comfortable and relaxed. Employers who conceal important things from their employees demoralise them and stand the chance of losing their trust. Communication is also a two-way street, and it is important to create opportunities for employees to talk about their concerns. Employers should provide platforms and put procedures in place where the employee is allowed to voice their opinions and concerns and where the employer listens with understanding.  If your management teams battle to establish transparency and effective communication within the workplace, it is advisable that leaders within the organisation equip themselves with the necessary skills and techniques to establish good communication throughout the business.  

2.     Invest in skills development.

Michael Wm. Arlen said, “They say ‘Knowledge is Power.’ But, more powerful than knowledge is understanding. With understanding, comes tolerance. And with tolerance, we can move beyond barriers.” If you have a negative work culture, address the knowledge gap and enhance your employees’ understanding of various soft skills that they lack. By empowering employees with skills and understanding to combat things like emotional and mental stressors; being able to resolve conflict more efficiently, and by giving them the opportunity to become more self-motivated etc., employers provide chances for both the employee and the business to grow. Employees who feel like their employer invests in their skills development makes them feel important and valued. When someone feels wanted and significant it builds trust, loyalty, and morale. 

3.     Lead with Emotional Intelligence

Emotional Intelligence helps improve skills in areas like communication, leadership, conflict resolution, problem-solving, and relationship management within the workplace. As it gives you a better understanding of people and relationships it automatically promotes a more positive work environment and culture. People want to feel like someone cares and understand how they feel. Validate your employees’ feelings by empathising with them. When you create a caring environment and you also equip your staff with emotional intelligence skills, the work culture will convert into a family feel environment.  And where people feel part of a family, they feel calmer and more at home. They will be more positive towards, and more productive for a place and its people, that is of value and importance to them.  

The companies who stay rigid against Covid, are the companies who create a caring and positive culture that will keep their employees motivated; who confidently adapt to change; and who keep all their communication channels clear and open. Companies can accomplish this with the right skillset. If you need more help in upskilling your management teams, contact The Mindspa Institute for more courses and equip your leaders to create a positive workplace with motivated, upskilled, loyal and productive employees so that, at the end of the day, your employees are happy, and the company can excel and grow.