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Mon - Fri 09:00-17:00


We are all faced with so many decisions every day so the ability to make the right choice, the choice that is good for us, the choice that will bring us closer to a desired future, is essential to our wellbeing.  Choice is also within our control, even if the circumstances are not always ours...
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Women will tell you that they have a hard time asking for help, so instead, they try to do everything themselves and end up dropping the ball or even burning out. They might have gone through life so used to being the one who gives the help, rather than the one at the receiving end. Ironically,...
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Life has become one big competition. Everyone wants and needs to outperform one another, both online and offline, with products, services, in sports or even in climbing that corporate ladder. It is absolutely about the one who stands out most, who is the best skilled and who markets themselves the best, that will thrive. Personal branding is about showing...
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Good ethical conduct in the workplace indicates that employees take pride in their company’s ethical standards and have respect for other employees, customers, suppliers, and partners. It also includes professional conduct, business etiquette and an understanding of the importance for each employee to represent their company’s brand in a positive manner. Ethical behaviour in the workplace is...
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There is great value in maintaining a positive attitude and outlook on life.  Your positive attitude can also encourage others to be positive. A positive person motivates achievement, teaches confidence, changes attitudes and is considerate towards work and family life. A positive person decides to live with a positive outlook and attitude to change their own life and influence the people...
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“Personal branding begins the moment you discover yourself” ― Bernard Kelvin Clive Personal Branding is a continuous process where you discover, evaluate, grow and showcase “what you bring to the table”.  It involves creating a personal brand and image, that represents your best qualities, skills, and experience.  It is the combination of what values and principles are important...
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Mentors and role models empower people to live a certain way and influence the important decisions they make in their lives. Although the two terms “role models” and “mentors” are used interchangeably, there are distinct differences and similarities. The express definition of a mentor is someone, usually known to the other person, with more experience and knowledge, who guides and...
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A role model is someone who doesn’t necessarily tell you what to do but rather shows you how to act, react, live, work and improve through their good example. When you are in a managerial position, you are automatically seen as a leader within your organisation. Leaders are always observed closely whether it is by their...
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Mentorship is a vital tool that can bring about the necessary change needed for the next generation of leaders. Most successful industry leaders will testify that they had or still have mentors. Mentorship benefits both the mentee and the business because it drives results. “Show me a successful individual and I’ll show you someone who had real positive influences...
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What will become of the leaders of tomorrow if they don’t have positive role models and good mentors? Just look at the news and listen to people talking. Our youth is in desperate need of leaders they can look up to, someone that guides them and whose example they can follow. Someone who teaches them how to lead a...
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